I recently heard Tim Webster (2ue Sydney radio) make a comment that is both very disappointing and dangerous. He commented in a very derogatory way that he hates to hear the 'namby pamby people say that 'if you obey the speed limits you will not get fined'. Well Mr Webster it takes skill and intelligence to keep to the road rules no matter how hard it is to do so at times. I can think of no reason at all for any intelligent reasoning person to decide which road legal and safety rules one should keep to or not. Mr Webster along with all other thinking and non thinking people contribute to the picture seen here.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Monday, February 28, 2011
The meaning of dreams
Whilst I am in this thinking mood (when am I not) here are my thoughts on dreams. I believe that when we sleep the body does rest. So too the brain, but some of the time that we sleep the brain gets its act together. It rearranges its folders and files and provides links and notes for reference. Yes, I hear folk saying, it sounds like a computer. It is not only like a computer in the sorting of files it is also similar to the defragging processes. Shifting commonly used items to the top for ease of access and burying others in storage, never deleting. It freshens ones cells.
Now sometimes the conscious mind tries to get a look into this activity to see what is going on. It tries to make some sense of it all. Of cource this is not possible but this bleeds into our consciousness as a mixed up jumbled mystifying sometimes terrifying dream, briefly to be remembered as we wake. Trains in bedrooms, murdered children, snakes in the bath, Jennifer Hawkins in my bed, some are pleasant. Some misguided people try to interpret these dreams like fortune tellers and astrology merchants. But they are just random glimpses into a defrag session.
Now sometimes the conscious mind tries to get a look into this activity to see what is going on. It tries to make some sense of it all. Of cource this is not possible but this bleeds into our consciousness as a mixed up jumbled mystifying sometimes terrifying dream, briefly to be remembered as we wake. Trains in bedrooms, murdered children, snakes in the bath, Jennifer Hawkins in my bed, some are pleasant. Some misguided people try to interpret these dreams like fortune tellers and astrology merchants. But they are just random glimpses into a defrag session.
Conscience or Consciousness
What does intrigue me is the subject of Conscience or Consciousness. I think therefore I am, I think therefore you are, without me would you be?. That transposes itself into morality and why we mainly do the ‘right thing’ irrespective of religiosity. Morality is inherent in human behaviour as Mr Hitchens so often says it was around long before Jesus Christ walked the earth. I also take it as an insult to suggest that we act and do as we do because some omnipotent being deems it be so and, do so in fear of retribution or to receive some reward.
It is my thought that our brains over the thousands of years are subject to a sort of advanced evolution. This transfers itself to the DNA . A learned process that doing the right thing perhaps produces some pheromone that is pleasant or conversely does not cause stress. This is not evident in all humans of course. The deviants are the psychopaths and those who are perhaps without empathy or sympathy.
Yes I am beginning to understand the beginnings and creation of life thanks to the teaching and wonderful explanations of Carl Sagan and Richard Dawkins. It is migraine stimulation stuff to get my head around but I am getting there. The question of consciousness is fascinating and I think that I am right in saying that Daniel Dennett is also a fervent studier of this topic.
I will continue to study, any reading suggestions welcomed.
It is my thought that our brains over the thousands of years are subject to a sort of advanced evolution. This transfers itself to the DNA . A learned process that doing the right thing perhaps produces some pheromone that is pleasant or conversely does not cause stress. This is not evident in all humans of course. The deviants are the psychopaths and those who are perhaps without empathy or sympathy.
Yes I am beginning to understand the beginnings and creation of life thanks to the teaching and wonderful explanations of Carl Sagan and Richard Dawkins. It is migraine stimulation stuff to get my head around but I am getting there. The question of consciousness is fascinating and I think that I am right in saying that Daniel Dennett is also a fervent studier of this topic.
I will continue to study, any reading suggestions welcomed.
Human beings cannot comprehend Eternity.
Always was and always will be. The Universe is never ending it has always been here. There is no centre to a circle. Human beings cannot comprehend eternity. I think that this is a profound basis for religion. The religious will evoke the same old lame explanation from the pagan fairy tail that god made it that way. To think about the problem is to insight dizziness. What was there before. The common question of Christopher Hitchens, Professor Dawkins and others. They all seem to avoid the obvious statement that, Human beings just cannot comprehend eternity whether time or distance related, though Einstein says that they are one in the same. It is not that ‘Free Thinkers’ do not think about the problem it is that one has to know when to stop. To quote a modern statement, ‘it doe’s my head in’.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Badges of Stupidity
As this is my blog, and, it looks as though very few read it, therefore I am free to 'vent my spleen'.
I have just returned from another shopping trip, mainly to make use of the air conditioning as the temp has again hit 38c.
As the higher primate we have the gift of intelligence. We are made to grow in the main into perfectly formed homo- sapiens. If we went into our recent past say 30-50 years or maybe even 70 years ago and looked at a group of people we could not judge their stupidity. Dressed in suits and skirts or dresses, apart from bearing the marks of differing socio economic backgrounds we could judge them little. Signs of intelligence, common sense or stupidity is not apparent.
Here is a list of Badges proudly worn by disgusting representation of the higher primate.
Tattoos, born now by all ages and creeds. Not the mark of a primitive isolated tribe but everyday people.
Goths, Grotesquely attired, adorned and punctured usually younger people. The statement, “I’ (the very centre of modern youths focus) do not care about anybody’s opinion, how I look, how I reflect my family, work or environment. I do not care about my body or making others feel uncomfortable. I could not give a (@$4#*k)
Punctured people. What in evolutions name makes what should be a balanced intelligent person want to stick a piece of wire through a nose, nostril, ear, lip, eyebrow, tongue, cheek, nipple, penis or clitoris. Yes I kid you not. A hundred years ago or more explorers would return from overseas with stories of weird tribes with bizarre habits like these. We made allowances because of their backward primative status.
Ever increasing worship of the artificial stimulus. These are mainly drugs and alcohol. We used to go out to have fun and at the same time have a little drink as a pleasant addition to the entertainment. Now it seems to be to go out and not just have a drink but to get inebriated beyond control and caring. They might also choose to frighten others with their behaviour and antisocial activities.
Fat Obese Folk. Yes this is now a badge. It is stating boldly I do not care. I am lazy. I want to shove what ever I like into my Gob. I will also influence my children to do the same thing. Society is now waking up to the fact that smokers are, and will, cost society a fortune in medical bills very soon. I have news for you, the fat people are going to cost us far more. Most examples I see are women, fat women according to my possible not accurate survey outnumber men 8 out of 10. Large women were once restricted to islander or folk from the pacific islands. Beautiful young girls soon to start gathering weight by the high calorie diet. Nothing to do with heredity or genes’
I have seen what could be pretty or beautiful white young girls fat and or obese squeezing in to lycra pants, shorts, short skirts with inward slanting knees as the poor legs try to support the weight. I sometimes see a couple, that is a very fat obese woman with a man. He is usually a lot lighter in stature sometimes even skinny. The amazing thing is that there is at time a child or baby in a push chair. I find myself having to think of how was this accomplished outside of artificial insemination.
Young women taking up smoking. We have now had the warnings for 20-30 years. These stupid females do not care.
Endless worship and endless time spent on mobile phones. Mostly again by women. And most I see on the phone whilst driving are also women.
Fowl language, the everyday use of the common “f” word in vocabulary. It is a make of low intelligence, stupidity and a total disregard and respect for others.
The total disregard for road rules especially speeding, see my posts elsewhere on this blog.
Being an elitist is so lonely.
I have just returned from another shopping trip, mainly to make use of the air conditioning as the temp has again hit 38c.
As the higher primate we have the gift of intelligence. We are made to grow in the main into perfectly formed homo- sapiens. If we went into our recent past say 30-50 years or maybe even 70 years ago and looked at a group of people we could not judge their stupidity. Dressed in suits and skirts or dresses, apart from bearing the marks of differing socio economic backgrounds we could judge them little. Signs of intelligence, common sense or stupidity is not apparent.
Here is a list of Badges proudly worn by disgusting representation of the higher primate.
Tattoos, born now by all ages and creeds. Not the mark of a primitive isolated tribe but everyday people.
Goths, Grotesquely attired, adorned and punctured usually younger people. The statement, “I’ (the very centre of modern youths focus) do not care about anybody’s opinion, how I look, how I reflect my family, work or environment. I do not care about my body or making others feel uncomfortable. I could not give a (@$4#*k)
Punctured people. What in evolutions name makes what should be a balanced intelligent person want to stick a piece of wire through a nose, nostril, ear, lip, eyebrow, tongue, cheek, nipple, penis or clitoris. Yes I kid you not. A hundred years ago or more explorers would return from overseas with stories of weird tribes with bizarre habits like these. We made allowances because of their backward primative status.
Ever increasing worship of the artificial stimulus. These are mainly drugs and alcohol. We used to go out to have fun and at the same time have a little drink as a pleasant addition to the entertainment. Now it seems to be to go out and not just have a drink but to get inebriated beyond control and caring. They might also choose to frighten others with their behaviour and antisocial activities.
Fat Obese Folk. Yes this is now a badge. It is stating boldly I do not care. I am lazy. I want to shove what ever I like into my Gob. I will also influence my children to do the same thing. Society is now waking up to the fact that smokers are, and will, cost society a fortune in medical bills very soon. I have news for you, the fat people are going to cost us far more. Most examples I see are women, fat women according to my possible not accurate survey outnumber men 8 out of 10. Large women were once restricted to islander or folk from the pacific islands. Beautiful young girls soon to start gathering weight by the high calorie diet. Nothing to do with heredity or genes’
I have seen what could be pretty or beautiful white young girls fat and or obese squeezing in to lycra pants, shorts, short skirts with inward slanting knees as the poor legs try to support the weight. I sometimes see a couple, that is a very fat obese woman with a man. He is usually a lot lighter in stature sometimes even skinny. The amazing thing is that there is at time a child or baby in a push chair. I find myself having to think of how was this accomplished outside of artificial insemination.
Young women taking up smoking. We have now had the warnings for 20-30 years. These stupid females do not care.
Endless worship and endless time spent on mobile phones. Mostly again by women. And most I see on the phone whilst driving are also women.
Fowl language, the everyday use of the common “f” word in vocabulary. It is a make of low intelligence, stupidity and a total disregard and respect for others.
The total disregard for road rules especially speeding, see my posts elsewhere on this blog.
Being an elitist is so lonely.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Many years ago perhaps in the 1950’s we had the shopping strip. The grocer, baker, butcher, hardware, chemist and general produce store for eggs, flour etc. The hardware store possibly sold the odd electrical appliance maybe a toaster, iron or radio. Some of these store shared agencies like a post office and newsagent. Most times the stores where family businesses and the public understood this and formed a relationship with the owners. They liked it, and the public was happy. As years passed the newsagent, post office and appliance stores became separate units. The old businesses complained about this saying and rightly so that it took money out of their income. They where, right. But you know the public liked the choice and informed specialized help that usually came with the staff. The appliance store sometimes later split into even more specialized outlets, white goods and brown goods. There arrived at the time the photographic, lighting, wallpaper decorating, confectionary and perhaps carpet The public was happy.
The late sixties, early seventies saw the introduction of the local super hardware and appliance stores. The larger department stores and mass merchants increased their presence in the suburbs. These super store carried names like Sydney Wide Discounts, Bing Lee and Norman Ross Discounts. They offered lower prices because of their buying power, they where bright well presented and efficient. They purchased direct from the manufacturer in many cases local. Yes, in those days companies like, NEC, Sharp and Panasonic (National) manufactured here. The public loved the set up and the public was happy. Not so the smaller strip stores as like the previous family businesses the new outlets took business away from them.
If we look at the local manufactures for a moment we see some parallel’s. We had a manufacturing base larger than just electrical and radio. The automotive industry the likes of Ford, Holden and Nissan produced motor cars in most states. They most importantly sourced components from local manufacturers. Companies like REPCO (Replacement Engine Parts Company) in the sixties and seventies became major suppliers and, repeat and, manufactured for the automotive giants. They made brakes, clutch, mirrors and many other bits and pieces. I believe something like 40% of a Holden or Ford came from this company. Borg Warner for Gearboxes and Hardey Ferodo also for Brake Pads. REPCO was about the largest Australian owned company at the time outside of Mining and Insurance.
Then came local (by Country) consolidation and closing. Ford and Holden ceased manufacturing in Sydney. Nissan went home to Japan. The supportive manufacturing base went with it. The Australian makers began to source parts from overseas because they where cheaper. They had to do this to remain competitive against the imported makes like Hyundai and Subaru. In the Automotive market even more so today, it is a world market.
This is the same in the Appliance and Electrical retail environment. People like Gerry Harvey from Norman Ross and Bing Lee realised that they could both increase their profit and market presence by sourcing from overseas direct. This they did and this meant the demise of the local Electronic manufacturing companies. The public benefited from this with lower prices and in some cases better quality. The public was happy. Not so the strip stores again or the manufacturers they closed and are no longer.
Today we are beginning to see another shift, it is not really a shift it is an awareness. We have the greatest gift that perhaps mankind has ever had, computers and the INTERNET. In the strip days and the Super store days word got around about the best deals by mouth. Yes the retailer advertised but today the consumer is becoming aware that all the continual sales year round and, now is always the best time to buy is a con.
The Internet is a joining of minds on a world wide basis, more importantly it has the opportunity to be instant. We are also in a world market place at the base level, that of the end consumer. Yes it is effected by local effects like lower manufacturing costs and laws and taxes but that has been a gradual on going progression for perhaps the last 50 years Gerry. You chose years ago to source over seas to the detriment of local manufactures and you benefited.
Darwin said that everything is subject to Evolution, Gerry. The iceman has gone replaced by the refrigerator so too the milkman and the coalman. It is not just the GST. I recently, well, 3 years ago purchased a scanner Epson on Line. That scanner in a Harvey Norman store for the past 3 years has been $1000. Take the GST content out it is $910. I paid $650. It is fully covered by Epson Australia for warranty. Gerry, the Public is Happy. I have long respected you as a business man for many years and will continue to do so. You are a mentor for many and deservedly so. But you are out of line, now. Adapt or go Gerry this is evolution.
The Non Selective Sceptic.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
The Non Selective Sceptic

This page my thoughts as The Non-Selective Sceptic. My views on Atheism. Power bands and other snake oils for the stupid. Why socialism and communism though an ideal cannot work. The wonder of the world without religion and other superstitions. How my demeanour helps me through life. Most of all in spite of the pain and anguish at times I would hate to have missed out on the opportunity to have been. My appreciation of Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Jonathan Miller and others
A fake DNA test kit Scam
This 'DNA' scam that the media seems to be condemning reeks of a double standard. How come they seem to condemn this telling of fortunes by the DNA pattern for this is what it is, but not condemn the seemingly excepted fortune telling of Astrology, Carrot Card reading, Tea leafs, Palms, or grass clippings read(non mulched). Or the fairy stories of religion, homeopathy, Aura massage, Clairvoyance, power bands etc. many of whom seek financial contributions.

DNA test scam warning Katherine Fenech
January 5, 2011
The fraudulent DNA test making extraordinary claims.
A fake DNA test kit being mailed to WA residents makes "ridiculous" claims about being able to slow the ageing process, according to the WA Consumer watchdog.
Australia Post has intercepted 200 kits, which are sent from China and contain a cotton swab in a sealed bag, but Consumer Protection Commissioner Anne Driscoll said many more were believed to have already been delivered to WA homes.
Labelling it an international scam, Ms Driscoll said the kits are accompanied by a letter that makes claims that are impossible to fulfil.
Advertisement: Story continues below "DNA model may be configured, even positioned and programmed, for stunning success, physical and mental health, affluence, significant accomplishment and the deepest sense of individual fulfilment – empowering you with a built-in edge to prosper and excel in ways you never dreamed possible," the letter claims.
The scammers charge a $39.99 processing fee and ask for credit card details. The package also encourages recipients to give up their personal information to enter a $10,000 prize draw.
"Clearly these kits are a scam and an attempt to receive money for what is a worthless and dubious service," Ms Driscoll said.
"Even legitimate DNA testing can't determine success, affluence or love and compatibility.
We advise recipients of these kits to throw them away and not to respond to unsolicited mail. Providing personal and financial details to unknown persons is fraught with danger."
The University of Western Australia was called in to investigate the claims and Associate Professor Richard Allcock confirmed the DNA kits were fraudulent.
"They make claims about health, diet, mood etcetera and, whilst some of these may well be under genetic control, we certainly are nowhere near being able to provide that information back to individuals," Professor Allcock said.
"They then make ridiculous claims about wellbeing and youth extension. All of these claims in the letter are patently false."
The fake kits have been reported to consumer watchdogs across the country 19 times in the past week.
The scammers used the name of a legitimate DNA sample company in Canada, DNA Technologies, but Ms Driscoll said there was no connection between the two.
January 5, 2011
The fraudulent DNA test making extraordinary claims.
A fake DNA test kit being mailed to WA residents makes "ridiculous" claims about being able to slow the ageing process, according to the WA Consumer watchdog.
Australia Post has intercepted 200 kits, which are sent from China and contain a cotton swab in a sealed bag, but Consumer Protection Commissioner Anne Driscoll said many more were believed to have already been delivered to WA homes.
Labelling it an international scam, Ms Driscoll said the kits are accompanied by a letter that makes claims that are impossible to fulfil.
Advertisement: Story continues below "DNA model may be configured, even positioned and programmed, for stunning success, physical and mental health, affluence, significant accomplishment and the deepest sense of individual fulfilment – empowering you with a built-in edge to prosper and excel in ways you never dreamed possible," the letter claims.
The scammers charge a $39.99 processing fee and ask for credit card details. The package also encourages recipients to give up their personal information to enter a $10,000 prize draw.
"Clearly these kits are a scam and an attempt to receive money for what is a worthless and dubious service," Ms Driscoll said.
"Even legitimate DNA testing can't determine success, affluence or love and compatibility.
We advise recipients of these kits to throw them away and not to respond to unsolicited mail. Providing personal and financial details to unknown persons is fraught with danger."
The University of Western Australia was called in to investigate the claims and Associate Professor Richard Allcock confirmed the DNA kits were fraudulent.
"They make claims about health, diet, mood etcetera and, whilst some of these may well be under genetic control, we certainly are nowhere near being able to provide that information back to individuals," Professor Allcock said.
"They then make ridiculous claims about wellbeing and youth extension. All of these claims in the letter are patently false."
The fake kits have been reported to consumer watchdogs across the country 19 times in the past week.
The scammers used the name of a legitimate DNA sample company in Canada, DNA Technologies, but Ms Driscoll said there was no connection between the two.
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