Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Sexuality and Sexism.

Sexuality and Sexism.

I was born a male and quite like the way that I am. I, and most male homo sapiens have evolved to be attracted to the female members of our species. I love women, the very sight of a beautiful woman is very attracting and distracting. My attentions are drawn to movement, shape and smells. This is a primal experience that I enjoy with pride. There is only one reason for this experience, to bonk, to mate, to couple with the female for one intent only, that being to fertilize her egg and produce a baby. This experience has evolved to be very and I repeat very pleasurable. So pleasurable in fact that the male is driven both in conscious and subconscious ways to seek copulation. Some times just a look, touch smell or feel maybe enough.
I am not attracted to fellow males, the very thought or sight of males enacting actions that I naturally associate with females repulses me. Yes, I say naturally, using the word to indicate the norm or most commonly found or experienced. Yes to put it stronger it repulses me in the same way as thinking about pedophilia. As some homosexuals come out and reveal their feelings  so too should I be allowed to express mine. Yes I do and desire to do at times hug my male friends and relatives and enjoy it. No other thoughts of furthering these actions exist.

Modern Society has also created the word Sexism or showing sexist preferences, or as one of my close intellectual friends says ‘make sexist remarks’. Yes I am sexist, I feel sexist, at times I prefer female company. I will make decisions based on female bias. I would prefer to stand next to a pretty girl than a bloke or older stout or fat woman. Whether I actually do this is another thing, and, a base for a whole new outlook on the subject.
I cannot help the way that I feel and as stated I enjoy it. For males it is a pleasant way to be. At times it is distraction and disruptive. Yes, sometimes we have more important things to do than a female. To put it bluntly a throbbing twitching wanting attention seeking penis battle is not always a good plan.

At times like this most males with varying degrees of effort repress the urges. Primitive religious male cultures such as Muslim so distrust  their ability and the ability of others to repress sexual urges and attentions that they cover their females head to toe in cloths. Even in the hottest of weather these poor repressed humans look like a walking Manchester shop. Yes my own mind might well wander at the sight of a pleasant female form, but respect for that person holds preference. It is well to remind the ladies that men do feel this way, and to be wary in situations where they might be vulnerable. Yes, there is no such thing as ‘she was asking for it, but a lone female perhaps among younger males who have been imbibing in alcohol might well find herself in a precarious position. It might not be that she was asking for sexual contact but she  could have been asking for trouble.

The only so far discovered reason for our existence in this universe is to copulate and further our species. Men are the active hunters in the act leaving the female as passive, or take it or leave it. Having said this, she is not entirely able to repress some deep need. This has to be awakened most times by close contact and ritual. Yes, like other members of the animal kingdom. In these other cases it might be a colourful display or ritual dance. The girls call it romancing. As I have said many times before, ‘If women thought like men we would be over populated, and perhaps ‘sore. If men thought like women then perhaps we would not be here’. It is a balance.

I do have a collection of images in my pictures folder of attractive women. There are some on my personal web page, my wife being one of them. Some are shocked when I say things like when younger I used to get Playboy or Penthouse for the pictures not just the articles.


  1. Hopefully men who think like this are considered to have no relevance in the world today. Usually comes from a lack of education. One wonders what they are thinking. How anyone could have a relationship with a person who only considers your value by the way you look. Love to see a photo of this young sexy virile guy. He protests too greatly about homosexuals. One just wonders about his secret orientation. I have never married and people make assumption about my sexuality. What you and any other people think means absolutely nothing. Certainly the world a lesser place to see a person like this who doesn't value a fellow human for what they are.

  2. Hi Allie, I am not talking about values that is another very large subject. I can only discuss and examine my feelings for I cannot feel others feelings. I talk about my own base sexual leanings. Aberrations from a 'norm' are natural without that we will not evolve.
