Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Q-Link Technology

The Qlink Mini employs patented Sympathetic Resonance Technology (SRT) which can maintain the strength of naturally occurring protective energy systems within our bodies.
Ref the Above:
I did see a man wearing two Power Bands on the same wrist, well as I said it is common knowledge and a clinically proven fact that this will cause a self cancelling apposing harmonic and standing wave. If one wants the benefits of wearing two Power Bands (genuine only, watch out for the copies that do not work and are a rip off) they must be worn on each wrist. This as you have seen in the Lab test ( fastened to one front and one rear paw (opposite sides) of the dog) produces not double the power but 2.3147 times the benefit or close to pie no sauce.
WTF has this to do with preventing the millions of folk dropping dead from using their mobile phones. Well it has been discovered that wearing two power bands on one wrist causes a Dopler Shift like effect (Named after the famed lead Guitarist Mark Dopler). This cancels out your incoming signal all together so rendering this lethal device inoperative and harmless.

This then solves this problem but revisits the original in opposing harmonics. If you soak you power band in Goji juice you get a sine wave divided by the reciprocal of a cleric so neutralising the Juice.
You may pass this on to others in Quandary or other West Australian country towns.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Mobile Speed Cameras

Here we go again. Are most people completely stupid. We have road rules to deter potentially killer people who ignore the safety rules of the road. We must have road rules you idiots because most cannot be trusted to drive safely. Also because at time you are not aware of difficult unseen circumstances like adverse cambers etc.
Many twerps say oh come on you could easy do 80 in this 60 area. Well you might you idiot but some could not. perhaps there car is not able to do so or their driving skill not be up to the mark. So in all cases we must cater for the lowest common denominator. To all drive at the same speed on a stretch of road is safe. To have cars all doing different speeds is kayos and potentially dangerous.
On TV tonight the same old revenue raising arguments against cameras. Once again speed cameras do not worry me, why because I observe where possible all posted speed limits. There is absolutely no intelligent reason to break them. We must never ever decide which particular rules we obey and those not to.
Te hear the continual argument that the only deterrent to speed is a marked police car. Who is going to pay for the 10's of thousands of additional police to monitor our roads. Or, have you considered this stupid statement. When is it OK to break a road safety rule? When there is not a policeman around. Now how stupid is that.
I see these comments all the time on "A current Affair" and "Today Tonight" not to mention endless reports on the morning programs. Then we have the likes of 2GB stars and 2UE all condemning speed cameras.
As I have said before on my web page. We deserve the carnage on out roads because of the killers, speeding, going through red lights, doing U Turns on Lights, overtaking on double white lines, using bloody mobile phones whilst driving, not keeping left and lots more.
You people make me sick every time I see another so called accident (an unforeseeable unpreventable incident) and its inevitable bunch of flowers taped to a pole or post.
Again it is so lonely being elitist