Friday, October 22, 2010

Power Bands for the Criminally Stupid

It is amazing how many of the rip off Power Band bracelets I see sold at my markets. Snake oil medicine for the 21st century. When questioning the sellers they say silly things like " well they must work because we sell a lot of them". This just means to me that there are an awful lot of stupid folk out there. At time as I often say it is so tiring and lonely being elitist. Another item for the criminally stupid or at the very least the clinically proven naive. I have now as can be seen made my own Power Band 'marked genuine' that passes all of the balance and strength tests required by other bands. There is also a "Placebo Power Band" available that sell for $2 (black sold out all ready) for that see many other sceptics blogs

Friday, October 15, 2010

Australian Troops under Investigation,

Australian Troops under Investigation,
There seems to be a lot of histerical chatter and complaining about the treatment of our soldiers overseas. There has been an accusation of misconduct and actions taken contrary to laws of engagement. A Court Martial has been mentioned. It must be remembered that we Australians and for that matter British and Americans operate under the strictest moral codes in warfare, remember the Geneva Convention. That means that we must monitor our standards and investigate any breach of these standards. If our boys are innocent then hopefully it will be proven. How can we criticise the likes of the rebel Taliban etc and the terrible things that they do and then seem to allow or condone any errors no matter how justified on our part.
Praise must be forthcoming for the job that our service folk perform in terrible situations. They are upholding standards we hold pure.