Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Atheism must be Devout
As so many people claim that they believe in a god without any proof that one exists. A person that claims to be an Atheist must be able to spout some of the overwhelming evidence that gods and all religions are based on myths. I state that I am a devout practising Atheist. This means that I study and follow the preachings yes the preachings of, Professor Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Danial Dennett, Jonathan Miller, Carl Sagen and many many others. I also allow my mind not to blindly follow their thoughts but to evaluate that said. I salute these mentors for their studies painstaking research and dedication so that we may be enlightened and shown the light. Though they be far more educated than I, I have been created with a brain with the same capacity as theirs. It has been gifted with the power of reason, a privilige I WILL not waste. Scouts honour..... Nor will my sceptisism ever be selective.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Things that annoy the hell out of me Tattoos etc.
I will not suffer fools and lazy minds, people who do not state that they "do not understand the question". If you do not know then it is your quest to find out, that, is part of evolution.
The abundance of Tattoo's. The human body is a beautiful thing. A young woman has in my opinion perhaps the most beautiful form on this planet. Of late I see more and more with this ugly disfigurement. Also they put bits of ugly wire through their nose lips and other parts. Young men are also doing the same thing covering their bodies with ugly patterns.
Bikers these stupid infantile brain dead my gang is better than your gang evil senseless dangerous twerps. All they are interested is keeping there sperm count up, posturing and engaging in testosterone highs
Why must we have another brain dead person usually female bouncy perpetually cheeses grinning twit to read the weather. They feel that they must read a weather report as though it is so funny they are constantly having to suppress hysteria. This also applies to some women in radio and TV ads. They read the script again as if suppressing hysteria.
AND these advertisements for women's products. They paint females as such self absorbed brain dead folk. Each week they bring out a new shampoo or face cream that makes the one they advertised last week as being the ultimate product for complexion or hair conditioner that cannot be bettered. This week the product is far superior as it has consentrated, clinically tested Re hydrated Yaks pee.
The same goes for all of the soap powder. 20-30-40 years ago Omo gave you a wash that was totally stain free with whites that where whiter than white and colours that where brighter than bright. So how is it that now these products are better that ever....
Like the Harvey Norman adds that have the same sale on each week for the same stuff that was on sale last week at the same price as it has been for and on each weekend for the past year... must end Monday...
The abundance of Tattoo's. The human body is a beautiful thing. A young woman has in my opinion perhaps the most beautiful form on this planet. Of late I see more and more with this ugly disfigurement. Also they put bits of ugly wire through their nose lips and other parts. Young men are also doing the same thing covering their bodies with ugly patterns.
Bikers these stupid infantile brain dead my gang is better than your gang evil senseless dangerous twerps. All they are interested is keeping there sperm count up, posturing and engaging in testosterone highs
Why must we have another brain dead person usually female bouncy perpetually cheeses grinning twit to read the weather. They feel that they must read a weather report as though it is so funny they are constantly having to suppress hysteria. This also applies to some women in radio and TV ads. They read the script again as if suppressing hysteria.
AND these advertisements for women's products. They paint females as such self absorbed brain dead folk. Each week they bring out a new shampoo or face cream that makes the one they advertised last week as being the ultimate product for complexion or hair conditioner that cannot be bettered. This week the product is far superior as it has consentrated, clinically tested Re hydrated Yaks pee.
The same goes for all of the soap powder. 20-30-40 years ago Omo gave you a wash that was totally stain free with whites that where whiter than white and colours that where brighter than bright. So how is it that now these products are better that ever....
Like the Harvey Norman adds that have the same sale on each week for the same stuff that was on sale last week at the same price as it has been for and on each weekend for the past year... must end Monday...
The terrible deaths and maiming reported of late especially amongst our young drivers again does not saden me. The truth is society is to blame. Most people do not care about the road toll. This is evident because most people and I mean 90-95% of people do not care about road rules. They make their own. Take the most common rule to break, speeding. Most peoples think it is safe to speed when there is not a police man around. not that it might be dangerous. Bit like why do you put your child in a safety belt, answer, "because if you do not you could get a $250.00 dollar fine"
Peoples attitude is all wrong. They say that young drivers should be educated. Their best teachers are their parents and these young folk have grown up being driven in cars buy speeding parents. Radio stations warn of speed cameras and Radar Police traps. They never worry me. On the rear of Telsra vehicles is a sign saying 'Telstra Values safe Driving' and a phone number. I can never keep up with any Telstra vehicle. One day phoned in 18 rego numbers... nothing happened. Whilst on the M4 and other motorways and roads 90% of cars pass me. This means that if treated as a survey over 90% of folk think it is ok. Well how much over the speed limit is safe 5, 10, 15, 20 or more Klms. Young man killed recently at 140 in 80 zone. Another stupid bunch of flowers taped to phone pole. At least they did not kill another family. We have limits for reasons, it takes skill and concentration to be vigilant and keep to them. I will be beaten to a pulp one day when I slow to 40 Klms from 80 Klms in a school zone near here. The abuse I get from all drivers (dozens) who over take and nearly run into each other to get past me. Driving to Gosford to see the inlaws, whilst passing the ever present roadworks in the '40' zone about 99% of drivers pass me. Every time, I just cannot get myself to join them....
On TV a short while ago was an Advertisement asking parents to teach their children to drive safely... that is a joke. I have seen the following people over the years speeding past me. Off duty Police, Fire, ambulance ( I see thier uniforms) nurses, priests, (Try catch exclusive brethren in a VW) and radio, TV and other media still go on about revenue raising.
The best plan for speed control is to say mark cars like mine with stickers saying 'SPEED PACE CAR'. This means that if any car passes it they must be speeding. Perhaps RTA should look at a plan like that.
Why not at Radio Stations like '2ue' or 2gb or the NRMA start a program like this. if you are really seriouse about the road situation. Get stickers made with something like '2ue Supports responcible drivers'. Do not pussyfoot about with it say something along the lines of, do not obey road rules because if not you will get a fine. Say, this driver follows the rules and courtesies of the road because, IT IS BLOODY DANGERIOUS AND STUPID AND IDIOTIC AND ANTI SOCIAL NOT TO. Get the RTA and even the NRMA involved.
Roundabouts, you do not have to do a university course for 6 months to understand a basic rule. But 80% or more brain dead people cannot indicate left when leaving the roundabout. On a roundabout near here I am trying to get on but all the traffic are still indicating that they are going all the way round about in front of me, only to exit the same road that I am coming from. So if I ignore their indication and come out that is when a get a horn blown at me when someone is actually coming round. Is it that they have forgotten how to work the little winkey winkey leaver. Or to cancel it they would have to grab the car manual from the glove box look up the index and follow the instructions......
Mobile Phone Users. Especially Women. It is illegal to use a phone whilst driving because it IS BLOODY DANGERIOUS TO DO SO. Once again the attituDe of people is totally wrong and so to the authorities. When is it safe to use a mobile phone whilst driving ... answer when the are no police around. When is it safe to speed ... when there are no police or speed camera,s ... when is it safe to drink and drive .. when there are no breath testing.... and on and on. Why do you put your child in a child safety seat because you might get a $180.00 FINE IF CAUGHT WITHOUT... Once again bloody (%#2&9*0 stupid people.
The speed camera warning signs are the biggest insult to intelligence known. On the M4 at Wentworthville all the speeding traffice slow down for the cameras to a speed less than what I am doing and hold me up. Only to place the peddle to the floor when past it.
, let us start a revolution, I am sure I and you cannot be the only ones out there.
Peoples attitude is all wrong. They say that young drivers should be educated. Their best teachers are their parents and these young folk have grown up being driven in cars buy speeding parents. Radio stations warn of speed cameras and Radar Police traps. They never worry me. On the rear of Telsra vehicles is a sign saying 'Telstra Values safe Driving' and a phone number. I can never keep up with any Telstra vehicle. One day phoned in 18 rego numbers... nothing happened. Whilst on the M4 and other motorways and roads 90% of cars pass me. This means that if treated as a survey over 90% of folk think it is ok. Well how much over the speed limit is safe 5, 10, 15, 20 or more Klms. Young man killed recently at 140 in 80 zone. Another stupid bunch of flowers taped to phone pole. At least they did not kill another family. We have limits for reasons, it takes skill and concentration to be vigilant and keep to them. I will be beaten to a pulp one day when I slow to 40 Klms from 80 Klms in a school zone near here. The abuse I get from all drivers (dozens) who over take and nearly run into each other to get past me. Driving to Gosford to see the inlaws, whilst passing the ever present roadworks in the '40' zone about 99% of drivers pass me. Every time, I just cannot get myself to join them....
On TV a short while ago was an Advertisement asking parents to teach their children to drive safely... that is a joke. I have seen the following people over the years speeding past me. Off duty Police, Fire, ambulance ( I see thier uniforms) nurses, priests, (Try catch exclusive brethren in a VW) and radio, TV and other media still go on about revenue raising.
The best plan for speed control is to say mark cars like mine with stickers saying 'SPEED PACE CAR'. This means that if any car passes it they must be speeding. Perhaps RTA should look at a plan like that.
Why not at Radio Stations like '2ue' or 2gb or the NRMA start a program like this. if you are really seriouse about the road situation. Get stickers made with something like '2ue Supports responcible drivers'. Do not pussyfoot about with it say something along the lines of, do not obey road rules because if not you will get a fine. Say, this driver follows the rules and courtesies of the road because, IT IS BLOODY DANGERIOUS AND STUPID AND IDIOTIC AND ANTI SOCIAL NOT TO. Get the RTA and even the NRMA involved.
Roundabouts, you do not have to do a university course for 6 months to understand a basic rule. But 80% or more brain dead people cannot indicate left when leaving the roundabout. On a roundabout near here I am trying to get on but all the traffic are still indicating that they are going all the way round about in front of me, only to exit the same road that I am coming from. So if I ignore their indication and come out that is when a get a horn blown at me when someone is actually coming round. Is it that they have forgotten how to work the little winkey winkey leaver. Or to cancel it they would have to grab the car manual from the glove box look up the index and follow the instructions......
Mobile Phone Users. Especially Women. It is illegal to use a phone whilst driving because it IS BLOODY DANGERIOUS TO DO SO. Once again the attituDe of people is totally wrong and so to the authorities. When is it safe to use a mobile phone whilst driving ... answer when the are no police around. When is it safe to speed ... when there are no police or speed camera,s ... when is it safe to drink and drive .. when there are no breath testing.... and on and on. Why do you put your child in a child safety seat because you might get a $180.00 FINE IF CAUGHT WITHOUT... Once again bloody (%#2&9*0 stupid people.
The speed camera warning signs are the biggest insult to intelligence known. On the M4 at Wentworthville all the speeding traffice slow down for the cameras to a speed less than what I am doing and hold me up. Only to place the peddle to the floor when past it.
, let us start a revolution, I am sure I and you cannot be the only ones out there.
Religion an Invention by Man to allay fear of Death.
Religions are an invention of humanity to allay the fear of death and its unknown. It offers eternity and continuation following death. I respect the wishes of those Christian folk who practice that which they preach of kindness and consideration. Unfortunately some religions preach that to assure one of eternity one must wreak havoc, mayhem and terror. From the crusades to modern terrorists. Forget religion just be nice.
What Saddens me most in this World
It is not the sadness in the world that saddens me the most. Not the so called religious wars, torture, terrorism, rape, intolerance, inconsideration, brutality, over commercialism and so on that shocks, surprises and saddens me. It is the fact that I am no longer shocked and surprised to hear these things, and that, saddens me.
An Insight into the Human Psyche
I am currently reading a book (An Absence of Light) by Texan David Lindsey. Built into a character assessment of the main character is this assessment of that characters opinion of the human psyche. Wow! what a mouthful, but on with a direct reprint of his words that summaries my thoughts.
Marcus Graver had made a career of collecting other people's secrets. He had learned early on that most men were so complex a mixture of what was traditionally considered good and bad that to assign either value to any one individual was to commit a gross over-simplification. His personal philosophy about human nature had ranged all the way to the farthest margins of cynicism and back again, and now his own views were so bedeviled by disappointments and buoyed to hope by those rare, but inevitable acts of selflessness, that he no longer had a coherent philosophy at all. No one theory or doctrine seemed to him to contain a suitable explanation for the astounding diversity of behavior of which a single individual was capable.
Thank you Mr Lindsay, just change all the references to 'he' and 'his' to 'me, my or I'.
Marcus Graver had made a career of collecting other people's secrets. He had learned early on that most men were so complex a mixture of what was traditionally considered good and bad that to assign either value to any one individual was to commit a gross over-simplification. His personal philosophy about human nature had ranged all the way to the farthest margins of cynicism and back again, and now his own views were so bedeviled by disappointments and buoyed to hope by those rare, but inevitable acts of selflessness, that he no longer had a coherent philosophy at all. No one theory or doctrine seemed to him to contain a suitable explanation for the astounding diversity of behavior of which a single individual was capable.
Thank you Mr Lindsay, just change all the references to 'he' and 'his' to 'me, my or I'.
Some of My Wisdoms & Thoughts (or maybe others)
I Object highly to those people who object to the fact that I object to them behaving Objectionably.
If we had kids before we had kids we would not have kids.
It is the collective of the human race that makes it what it is, not, the individual.
Nothing ever happened until it happened for the first time.
If women thought like men we would be over populated.
If men thought like women we would not be here.
My mind not only wanders, it sometimes leaves completely
On a Birthday forget the card, think of how you can really make that day special for that special person.
Say sorry, when required.
Sometimes I think I understand everything; then I wake up!
Smell the Roses, look at the little bird, remember that tune, tell someone you love them and hug your sons.
I still love you mum even though you are not here.
People who say that they never forget have already forgotten the last time that they forgot.
At Christmas two Ho's just do not seem to cut it for me.
Nothing is sadder than a kookaburra that does not see the funny side of things any more.
At Christmas I wish you all the condiments of the Season, Oh, that is a seasonal greeting ...
If we had kids before we had kids we would not have kids.
It is the collective of the human race that makes it what it is, not, the individual.
Nothing ever happened until it happened for the first time.
If women thought like men we would be over populated.
If men thought like women we would not be here.
My mind not only wanders, it sometimes leaves completely
On a Birthday forget the card, think of how you can really make that day special for that special person.
Say sorry, when required.
Sometimes I think I understand everything; then I wake up!
Smell the Roses, look at the little bird, remember that tune, tell someone you love them and hug your sons.
I still love you mum even though you are not here.
People who say that they never forget have already forgotten the last time that they forgot.
At Christmas two Ho's just do not seem to cut it for me.
Nothing is sadder than a kookaburra that does not see the funny side of things any more.
At Christmas I wish you all the condiments of the Season, Oh, that is a seasonal greeting ...
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Q-Link Technology

The Qlink Mini employs patented Sympathetic Resonance Technology (SRT) which can maintain the strength of naturally occurring protective energy systems within our bodies.
Ref the Above:
I did see a man wearing two Power Bands on the same wrist, well as I said it is common knowledge and a clinically proven fact that this will cause a self cancelling apposing harmonic and standing wave. If one wants the benefits of wearing two Power Bands (genuine only, watch out for the copies that do not work and are a rip off) they must be worn on each wrist. This as you have seen in the Lab test ( fastened to one front and one rear paw (opposite sides) of the dog) produces not double the power but 2.3147 times the benefit or close to pie no sauce.
WTF has this to do with preventing the millions of folk dropping dead from using their mobile phones. Well it has been discovered that wearing two power bands on one wrist causes a Dopler Shift like effect (Named after the famed lead Guitarist Mark Dopler). This cancels out your incoming signal all together so rendering this lethal device inoperative and harmless.
This then solves this problem but revisits the original in opposing harmonics. If you soak you power band in Goji juice you get a sine wave divided by the reciprocal of a cleric so neutralising the Juice.
You may pass this on to others in Quandary or other West Australian country towns.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Mobile Speed Cameras

Here we go again. Are most people completely stupid. We have road rules to deter potentially killer people who ignore the safety rules of the road. We must have road rules you idiots because most cannot be trusted to drive safely. Also because at time you are not aware of difficult unseen circumstances like adverse cambers etc.
Many twerps say oh come on you could easy do 80 in this 60 area. Well you might you idiot but some could not. perhaps there car is not able to do so or their driving skill not be up to the mark. So in all cases we must cater for the lowest common denominator. To all drive at the same speed on a stretch of road is safe. To have cars all doing different speeds is kayos and potentially dangerous.
On TV tonight the same old revenue raising arguments against cameras. Once again speed cameras do not worry me, why because I observe where possible all posted speed limits. There is absolutely no intelligent reason to break them. We must never ever decide which particular rules we obey and those not to.
Te hear the continual argument that the only deterrent to speed is a marked police car. Who is going to pay for the 10's of thousands of additional police to monitor our roads. Or, have you considered this stupid statement. When is it OK to break a road safety rule? When there is not a policeman around. Now how stupid is that.
I see these comments all the time on "A current Affair" and "Today Tonight" not to mention endless reports on the morning programs. Then we have the likes of 2GB stars and 2UE all condemning speed cameras.
As I have said before on my web page. We deserve the carnage on out roads because of the killers, speeding, going through red lights, doing U Turns on Lights, overtaking on double white lines, using bloody mobile phones whilst driving, not keeping left and lots more.
You people make me sick every time I see another so called accident (an unforeseeable unpreventable incident) and its inevitable bunch of flowers taped to a pole or post.
Again it is so lonely being elitist
Friday, October 22, 2010
Power Bands for the Criminally Stupid

It is amazing how many of the rip off Power Band bracelets I see sold at my markets. Snake oil medicine for the 21st century. When questioning the sellers they say silly things like " well they must work because we sell a lot of them". This just means to me that there are an awful lot of stupid folk out there. At time as I often say it is so tiring and lonely being elitist. Another item for the criminally stupid or at the very least the clinically proven naive. I have now as can be seen made my own Power Band 'marked genuine' that passes all of the balance and strength tests required by other bands. There is also a "Placebo Power Band" available that sell for $2 (black sold out all ready) for that see many other sceptics blogs
Friday, October 15, 2010
Australian Troops under Investigation,
Australian Troops under Investigation,
There seems to be a lot of histerical chatter and complaining about the treatment of our soldiers overseas. There has been an accusation of misconduct and actions taken contrary to laws of engagement. A Court Martial has been mentioned. It must be remembered that we Australians and for that matter British and Americans operate under the strictest moral codes in warfare, remember the Geneva Convention. That means that we must monitor our standards and investigate any breach of these standards. If our boys are innocent then hopefully it will be proven. How can we criticise the likes of the rebel Taliban etc and the terrible things that they do and then seem to allow or condone any errors no matter how justified on our part.
Praise must be forthcoming for the job that our service folk perform in terrible situations. They are upholding standards we hold pure.
There seems to be a lot of histerical chatter and complaining about the treatment of our soldiers overseas. There has been an accusation of misconduct and actions taken contrary to laws of engagement. A Court Martial has been mentioned. It must be remembered that we Australians and for that matter British and Americans operate under the strictest moral codes in warfare, remember the Geneva Convention. That means that we must monitor our standards and investigate any breach of these standards. If our boys are innocent then hopefully it will be proven. How can we criticise the likes of the rebel Taliban etc and the terrible things that they do and then seem to allow or condone any errors no matter how justified on our part.
Praise must be forthcoming for the job that our service folk perform in terrible situations. They are upholding standards we hold pure.
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