The terrible deaths and maiming reported of late especially amongst our young drivers again does not saden me. The truth is society is to blame. Most people do not care about the road toll. This is evident because most people and I mean 90-95% of people do not care about road rules. They make their own. Take the most common rule to break, speeding. Most peoples think it is safe to speed when there is not a police man around. not that it might be dangerous. Bit like why do you put your child in a safety belt, answer, "because if you do not you could get a $250.00 dollar fine"
Peoples attitude is all wrong. They say that young drivers should be educated. Their best teachers are their parents and these young folk have grown up being driven in cars buy speeding parents. Radio stations warn of speed cameras and Radar Police traps. They never worry me. On the rear of Telsra vehicles is a sign saying 'Telstra Values safe Driving' and a phone number. I can never keep up with any Telstra vehicle. One day phoned in 18 rego numbers... nothing happened. Whilst on the M4 and other motorways and roads 90% of cars pass me. This means that if treated as a survey over 90% of folk think it is ok. Well how much over the speed limit is safe 5, 10, 15, 20 or more Klms. Young man killed recently at 140 in 80 zone. Another stupid bunch of flowers taped to phone pole. At least they did not kill another family. We have limits for reasons, it takes skill and concentration to be vigilant and keep to them. I will be beaten to a pulp one day when I slow to 40 Klms from 80 Klms in a school zone near here. The abuse I get from all drivers (dozens) who over take and nearly run into each other to get past me. Driving to Gosford to see the inlaws, whilst passing the ever present roadworks in the '40' zone about 99% of drivers pass me. Every time, I just cannot get myself to join them....
On TV a short while ago was an Advertisement asking parents to teach their children to drive safely... that is a joke. I have seen the following people over the years speeding past me. Off duty Police, Fire, ambulance ( I see thier uniforms) nurses, priests, (Try catch exclusive brethren in a VW) and radio, TV and other media still go on about revenue raising.
The best plan for speed control is to say mark cars like mine with stickers saying 'SPEED PACE CAR'. This means that if any car passes it they must be speeding. Perhaps RTA should look at a plan like that.
Why not at Radio Stations like '2ue' or 2gb or the NRMA start a program like this. if you are really seriouse about the road situation. Get stickers made with something like '2ue Supports responcible drivers'. Do not pussyfoot about with it say something along the lines of, do not obey road rules because if not you will get a fine. Say, this driver follows the rules and courtesies of the road because, IT IS BLOODY DANGERIOUS AND STUPID AND IDIOTIC AND ANTI SOCIAL NOT TO. Get the RTA and even the NRMA involved.
Roundabouts, you do not have to do a university course for 6 months to understand a basic rule. But 80% or more brain dead people cannot indicate left when leaving the roundabout. On a roundabout near here I am trying to get on but all the traffic are still indicating that they are going all the way round about in front of me, only to exit the same road that I am coming from. So if I ignore their indication and come out that is when a get a horn blown at me when someone is actually coming round. Is it that they have forgotten how to work the little winkey winkey leaver. Or to cancel it they would have to grab the car manual from the glove box look up the index and follow the instructions......
Mobile Phone Users. Especially Women. It is illegal to use a phone whilst driving because it IS BLOODY DANGERIOUS TO DO SO. Once again the attituDe of people is totally wrong and so to the authorities. When is it safe to use a mobile phone whilst driving ... answer when the are no police around. When is it safe to speed ... when there are no police or speed camera,s ... when is it safe to drink and drive .. when there are no breath testing.... and on and on. Why do you put your child in a child safety seat because you might get a $180.00 FINE IF CAUGHT WITHOUT... Once again bloody (%#2&9*0 stupid people.
The speed camera warning signs are the biggest insult to intelligence known. On the M4 at Wentworthville all the speeding traffice slow down for the cameras to a speed less than what I am doing and hold me up. Only to place the peddle to the floor when past it.
, let us start a revolution, I am sure I and you cannot be the only ones out there.
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