Sunday, December 5, 2010

Things that annoy the hell out of me Tattoos etc.

I will not suffer fools and lazy minds, people who do not state that they "do not understand the question". If you do not know then it is your quest to find out, that, is part of evolution.

The abundance of Tattoo's. The human body is a beautiful thing. A young woman has in my opinion perhaps the most beautiful form on this planet. Of late I see more and more with this ugly disfigurement. Also they put bits of ugly wire through their nose lips and other parts. Young men are also doing the same thing covering their bodies with ugly patterns.

Bikers these stupid infantile brain dead my gang is better than your gang evil senseless dangerous twerps. All they are interested is keeping there sperm count up, posturing and engaging in testosterone highs

Why must we have another brain dead person usually female bouncy perpetually cheeses grinning twit to read the weather. They feel that they must read a weather report as though it is so funny they are constantly having to suppress hysteria. This also applies to some women in radio and TV ads. They read the script again as if suppressing hysteria.

AND these advertisements for women's products. They paint females as such self absorbed brain dead folk. Each week they bring out a new shampoo or face cream that makes the one they advertised last week as being the ultimate product for complexion or hair conditioner that cannot be bettered. This week the product is far superior as it has consentrated, clinically tested Re hydrated Yaks pee.

The same goes for all of the soap powder. 20-30-40 years ago Omo gave you a wash that was totally stain free with whites that where whiter than white and colours that where brighter than bright. So how is it that now these products are better that ever....

Like the Harvey Norman adds that have the same sale on each week for the same stuff that was on sale last week at the same price as it has been for and on each weekend for the past year... must end Monday...

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